Real Hot Dogs

When you go into a joint to have a dog and you end up with a gyro, you know something extraordinary just occurred- you just happened upon folks with a passion for great food. And that's just what you'll get at Windy City Beefs-N-Dogs. The folks there know what's good and anything you try will probably exceed your expectations. Regardless of what you're craving, always keep an open mind to their specials. I was pleasantly surprised to find they have the best Gyros in town as well as an exceptional classic presentation of the great Chicago dog.

7500 W. Lake Mead Blvd, #10
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128

Call: 702.410.5016
Fax: 702.410.5020

Summerlin Gateway Center
North East Corner of Buffalo & Lake Mead
In The Vons Shopping Center



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